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Why Viral-Video Marketing is Important Nowadays?


How Do you Make a Video go Viral?

Did you know these facts:

1. YouTube is a search engine.
2. Not only is it a search engine, but it's also the second-largest search engine, ousted out of the number 1 spot only by its parent company, Google.
3. In a single month, more than 180 million people watch online videos and that's just in the US alone. That's a huge potential audience.

Major Benefits of Video Marketing:

1. Gets Your Message Across Better Than Anything Else:

If you've got a landing page, sales page, or blog post that has more than two paragraphs, people become less likely to read it because it involves a lot of work.

There are effective ways that you can make your body copy easier to read for these impatient viewers (and using things like bullets, numbered lists and graphics help), but the better solution is to create a video.

Obviously, when you can show and tell (using the senses of sight and sound), you are more able to educate a prospective customer on the benefits of what you have to offer.
There are many good things that come along with educating your customers.
By giving them the resources and knowledge they need, they can come to a better, informed decision about whether or not your product or service is the right one for them.
And generally, if you've put together good videos, they will decide that your product or service is the one that they want without you even having to tell them to buy it.

3. Creates More Trust Than Other Sorts Of Marketing:

4. Presents You Enormous Reach Potential:

As mentioned earlier, there are 180 million people in the US watching online videos this month & every month - and that number is steadily growing.
Videos are also incredibly easy to share. People share videos with one another all the time and video directories make it easy to do so. Your viewers can post your video on their Facebook - Google Plus - or Twitter account.
They can put their videos out to StumbleUpon, Reddit, Digg - and other social bookmarking sites.


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