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How to Link Google Adwords Account with Other Google Products?

Finding Profitable Keywords

To do the research on keywords I recommend you the free Google Keyword Tool:

* Keyword relevance is very important! That means that a keyword is only good if it is relevant not only to the product you are promoting but also to the actual page that you are promoting. Google will punish you by giving you a higher click price if the keyword does not fit these criteria. 

* It is also very effective to advertise using keywords that include the product that you are promoting. You could use the product or company name. 
* If you add "purchase" or "buy" to any product, it will become one of the highest converting keywords that you will have. 
* Also be sure to use singular and plural keywords. This will bring you also more traffic. 
* Use also misspellings in your keywords. Although these keywords do not receive high amounts of traffic, you can obtain high-quality traffic with them.

Linking Google AdWords Account & Google Analytics

Open Google analytic account with the same Google account email address that you have used while opening an AdWords account. This will help in easy linking of the two accounts as you would automatically become the administrator user for Google analytic account.

To set Google AdWords email-address as admin in Google analytic follows the steps mentioned below:

• Login your analytic account & click on "User Manager" link that appears below the analytic account table.

• Then click on "Add user" button that appears on the upper right corner, and then enter your AdWords email address.

• Select "Access Type" option from the drop menu as Account Administrator

• Click on "Save Changes" to successfully add your email address as admin. Next, follow the steps mentioned below to link Google AdWords and Google analytic account.

to your Google AdWords account

• Go to Reporting tab and click on Google analytic link.

• Two options would appear, if you don't have any Google analytic account then choose "Create my free Google analytic account" and click continue.

• If you already have the analytic account then choose "I already have a Google Analytic account. Please link it to this AdWords account" and click on continue button.
• Choose existing Google analytic account from the drop-down menu. If you do not see your account name in the drop-down then you need to give admin access to your AdWords email address (I have already mentioned above the steps for this)

• Keep Destination URL Auto Tagging checked unless you are pretty sure, you would like to disable cost data importing and auto-tagging.

But if your account is a part of My Client Center (MCC) account then you can not link MCC account to Google analytic (i.e. you can not link to analytic by adding MCC email address as an administrator in analytic), as actual AdWords campaign information are not present directly under these top-level MCC accounts. Even though it is possible to manage multiple websites within same analytic but it is recommended to have different Google analytic for each child account as it makes the process of linking easy with just fewer - steps, data problems & access.


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